Improving Self-Efficacy With Automatically Generated Interactive Concept Maps: DIME Maps




Technology integration, Concept mapping, Mixed methods, Physics, STEM


The Dynamic and Interactive Mathematical Expressions (DIME) Map system automatically generates DIME maps, which are personalizable and manipulable concept maps that allow students to interact with the mathematical concepts contained in any portable document format (PDF) textbook or document. A teacher can automatically upload a PDF textbook chapter and retrieve a DIME map of the contained mathematically based concepts. The DIME map is interactive and manipulable and can be used to interactively navigate the PDF textbook chapter. Our goal was to investigate the relationship between use of DIME maps and student learning outcomes, including self-efficacy and ability to understand and recall connections between physics concepts. We implemented a pretest/posttest to determine if student self-efficacy and connections in knowledge increased after participation in a summer camp physics class. We additionally conducted student interviews to better understand how changes in these two factors may have occurred. We then used multivariate analysis of variance and thematic analysis, finding and investigating positive effects of students using DIME maps, namely growth in self-efficacy and connections in knowledge. Based on our findings, we conclude that DIME maps can be valuable learning tools for students that have positive effects on both cognitive and affective learning outcomes.

Author Biographies

Michael Sze-hon Rugh, Texas A&M University, USA

Dr. Michael S. Rugh is a Research Scientist for the Learning Interactive Visualization Experience (LIVE) Lab in the School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts at Texas A&M University. Overseeing the various research projects in the LIVE Lab, he leads research teams to inform the design and study the effects of products created by the lab which include educational video games, apps, simulations, and virtual environments for learning and assessment.

Mary Margaret Capraro, Aggie STEM, Texas A&M University, USA

Dr. Mary Margaret Capraro is a professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and a co-director of Aggie STEM.

Robert Michael Capraro, Aggie STEM, Texas A&M University, USA

Dr. Robert M. Capraro is a professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and a co-director of Aggie STEM.



5 Jul 2023


