Digital Teaching Competence and Educational Inclusion in Higher Education. A Systematic Review




Digital competencies, Inclusive education, Digital divide, Interculturality, Universal design for learning, 2030 Agenda


This article presents a systematic review of the literature with the aim of providing an updated framework for the scientific production developed in the field of digital competence and inclusive education in Higher Education, as indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) and SCOPUS databases. Twenty-one scientific articles published between 2016-2023 were included and analyzed, with no temporal cohort established. The search matches yielded a first document of the topic of study in 2016 in the Social Sciences Citation Index. The results obtained on the conceptual structure of the analyzed documents were carried out through a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) observing the existence of two dimensions composed of three clusters. Cluster one was composed of studies on digital competence, virtual learning environments, digital divide, and functional diversity, among others. Cluster two comprised studies carried out on digital tools and competencies, inclusive education, educational processes, and digital strategies; while cluster three was made up of educational inclusion related to interculturality and digital competence. Among its limitations, there were aspects related to the heterogeneity of the studies, which make it difficult to compare the data, and the sample and size of the study, which makes the results obtained and the generated data have a lower percentage of generalization compare to studies that use larger simples. This study has implications for researchers and Higher Education institutions interested in research on digital competence for inclusive education, with the possibilities of digital competence for inclusive education being established from the studied variables, allowing teachers to adapt and personalize learning to meet individual student needs. All of this is in line with the goals of the 2030 Agenda, concerning the empowerment of citizens and the digitization of public services to ensure the population's access to such services via the internet.

Author Biographies

Ada Janeth Zarceño García de Soriano, Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of University of Jaén, Spain

Professor and Researcher and Head of the Department of Education Sciences at Central American University José Simeón Cañas

Miriam Agreda Montoro, Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of University of Jaén, Spain

Associate Professor in the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Jaén.

Ana María Ortiz Colón, Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of University of Jaén, Spain

Tenured Professor in the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Jaén.



21 Feb 2024


