Is There a Paradox Involved with the Progress Represented by ICT Developments?


  • Dan Remenyi
  • Shawren Singh


Keywords: ICT and progress, benefits and challenges, downside of technology, Business architecture, auto-voyeurism, spam, ICT facilitated fraud, ICT and personal convenience, depersonalisation, technological determinism


Abstract: The developments in ICT since the first computers were implemented have facilitated changes to society in a number of important ways. These changes have occurred steadily and have been accepted largely without discussion as to how they have impacted the way our society functions. These developments in ICT and their resulting applications have been perceived as progress, but there has been little if any discussion as to what actually constitutes progress. Although ICT has delivered great benefits there is clearly some downside to the technology, which has not been adequately addressed and which deserves careful attention. In fact a review of papers in the Electronic Journal of IS Evaluation reveals no comment on this important subject and this study serves to fill a gap in the literature. This paper reports on the findings of an exploratory study which includes the results of a qualitative survey. The main objective of the paper is to review the impact of ICT on society by examining the benefits which have been facilitated by its implementation, while at the same time considering the challenges the technology offers. The paper concludes with a call for more awareness of how ICT is changing our society and for a more in depth discussion and debate on what the implications are for society of the increasing and ubiquitous application of the technology.



1 Jul 2015


