Intellectual Capital and Innovation: A Case Study of a Public Healthcare organisation in Europe


  • Helena Santos-Rodrigues


Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Innovativeness, Healthcare, Human Capital, Structural Capital, Relational Capital


Abstract: This research study focuses on innovation and the Human, Structural, and Relational components of Intellectual Capital, using Santos‑Rodrigues et al. (2011) research proposal as a framework. It aims to investigate the influence of Intellectual Capital on a public Healthcare organisations capability for innovation. Sixty five of the sixty eight questionnaires administered to hospital managers and leaders between July and August of 2011, were used in the research. The study suggests that a relationship exists between the incentives to innovate (a dimension of Human Capital) and the innovation created, with trust being the only Structural Capital dimension related with the innovation adopted. It was found that networks and alliances (a dimension of Relational Capital), is the only dimension simultaneously related with the innovation created and adopted constructs, hence, Relational Capital being the only Intellectual Capital construct related simultaneously with both innovation creation and adoption. The research further suggests that there is a direct relation between Human Capital and innovation, principally with the innovation created. The Structural Capital construct was found to be partly related with the Innovation Adoption construct.



1 Nov 2013


