A Process Framework for an Interoperable Semantic Enterprise Environment


  • Jörg Härtwig
  • Karsten Böhm


Semantic interoperability, enterprise semantic web, semantic information retrieval, knowledge-co-production, knowledge-cooperation, knowledge transfer cycle


This paper describes a Process Framework for an Interoperable Semantic Enterprise Environment (PF‑ISEE) for conceptualising knowledge by coupling business process activities and the Knowledge Transfer Cycle. The PF‑ISEE is triggered by an activity and starts the Knowledge Transfer Cycle. The Knowledge Transfer Cycle provides six core concepts with methods, tools and templates to create, manipulate, store and retrieve information. Within the Knowledge Transfer Cycle, special methods are applied in the context of knowledge intensive business process activities with a rep‑ resentation model that can be a global, role depended or an application inherited concept representation. The paper in‑ troduces the main advantages and challenges of each core concept and explains its position in the Knowledge Transfer Cycle. Furthermore, it is shown how the PF‑ISEE can be part of an Enterprise Semantic Web in order to integrate se‑ mantic tools and technologies in standard enterprise applications.



1 Jan 2006


