The Mobile Learning Adoption Model Tailored to the Needs of a Private University


  • Małgorzata Rataj
  • Joanna Wójcik



mobile learning, e-learning, educational system, attitude, mobile devices, educational application, university management


The mission of today’s universities is to prepare the students properly to live and work in the 21st century. International research demonstrates the positive impact of using iPads in teaching. Successful deploying of mobile learning (m‑learning) is not a matter of accident, but depends on users’ acceptance of the technology. The purpose of this article is to create a mobile learning adoption pre‑model tailored to the needs of a private university. To achieve this goal, valued adoption models were analyzed and, on their basis, the new model was created. The pre‑model has been tested with a questionnaire. A paper‑based survey was conducted among 640 students representing 25 countries. The questionnaire was grouped into sections: specifications of mobile devices owned by students and mobile internet access, expectation from mobile education application and attitudes towards current and future use of mobile devices in education. We computed all data with The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences – IBM SPSS Statistics version 25. The results of the research showed that the students from a central‑eastern European University are technologically ready for mobile learning. Moreover, there appears to be no cause for concern regarding students from post‑Soviet countries with respect to their competency to meet the demands of modern teaching in the form of mobile learning. Students have shown that they have clearly defined expectations for educational materials for mobile devices, which will be a challenge for the university when creating m‑learning materials. Furthermore, students must feel the university's support in using mobile applications. That is why the teachers face a serious task: teachers must be prepared to show students the benefits of mobile learning, so they not only need to be trained but also convinced that it is worth using mobile learning.



1 Aug 2020


